
Indian Patent Search System

The Indian Patent Search System (InPASS) is a revolutionary tool that allows researchers, inventors, and innovators to explore the vast database of registered patents in India. InPASS offers a user-friendly interface, free accessibility, and a wide range of search parameters, making it an indispensable resource for anyone seeking information on existing patents. In this blog, we will delve into the features and benefits of InPASS, guiding you through the process of conducting an efficient and productive patent search.

Discovering InPASS: A Gateway to Indian Patents

To embark on your patent search journey with InPASS, start by visiting the official website at ipindia.gov.in. This portal serves as the central repository for all registered patents in India, providing a comprehensive and reliable source of information.

Navigating the Criteria: Granted Patents or Published Applications

Once on the InPASS website, you will encounter two primary criteria for your search:

  1. Granted patents: This category encompasses patents that have been successfully granted permits, signaling the completion of the patenting process.
  2. Published applications: This category features patents that have had their applications published in journals but are still awaiting objections. It offers insights into the cutting-edge ideas under review.

The flexibility to search in either category or both simultaneously empowers users to explore a plethora of patents based on their specific requirements.

Fine-Tuning the Search: Parameters for Precision

InPASS provides a comprehensive range of parameters to customize your patent search and refine the results. These parameters include:

  • Date of application: Narrow down your search by selecting a specific range of dates when the patent applications were filed.
  • Title of the patent: If you possess knowledge about the title or specific keywords related to your field of interest, this parameter can help you find specific patents.
  • Abstract: Search for patents based on the abstracts, which provide concise summaries of the invention's key aspects.
  • Claims against the patent: Investigate patents based on the claims made by inventors regarding the novelty, inventiveness, and applicability of their creations.
  • Description of the patent: Dive deeper into patents by exploring the detailed descriptions that accompany them, unraveling the intricacies of the invention.
  • Application number: If you have knowledge of the application number, this parameter allows you to directly access a specific patent.
  • Patent number: For granted patents, the patent number helps directly navigate to the desired patent.
  • Name of the applicant and inventor: Customizing your search based on the names of the applicant or inventor allows you to explore patents by specific individuals or organizations.
  • Country of the inventor: Discover patents filed by inventors from specific countries, aiding in your research on global innovations.
  • Address of the inventor: Narrow down your search by location, exploring patents from inventors in specific regions.
  • Filing office: Explore patents filed with specific filing offices, enabling you to focus on particular jurisdictions.
  • International patent classification: Utilize this parameter to search for patents classified under specific International Patent Classification (IPC) codes, refining your search to particular areas of technology.
  • PCT application and PCT publication number: If you are interested in patents filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), these parameters provide direct access to relevant information.
  • Field of invention: For targeted searches, select a specific field of invention and explore patents related to that area.

Keyword Search: Unlocking the Power of Relevance

The keyword search feature is a powerful tool within InPASS. By creating a list of keywords relevant to your invention or research area, you can retrieve a comprehensive list of patents that incorporate those keywords in their titles, abstracts, claims, descriptions, and more. This feature ensures that you can precisely pinpoint patents related to your specific field of interest.

Displaying the Results: Organized and Accessible

Upon executing your search, the results will be presented in a user-friendly format. The left column displays important information such as application numbers, dates, patent numbers, titles, and statuses. By selecting an entry from the left column, you can view detailed specifications, abstracts, and bibliographic data in the right column. With the ability to browse through 1000 results and view 25 results per page, navigating the database is seamless and efficient.

Enhanced Search Capabilities: Applicant and Inventor Searches

InPASS offers two valuable search features that allow you to explore patents based on the applicant's or inventor's information.
  • Applicant Name Search: By simply entering the name of the applicant in the search bar, you can access a comprehensive list of patents published or granted to that applicant. This feature is particularly useful for tracking the activities and innovations of specific organizations or individuals.
  • Inventor Name Search: Similar to the applicant name search, the inventor name search enables you to discover patents associated with specific inventors. This feature provides insights into the contributions made by individual inventors across various fields.

Accessing Patent Information: E-Registration and Application Status

InPASS facilitates the electronic registration of patents, streamlining the process for applicants. To check the status of your patent registration, you can simply enter the assigned patent number in the E-register tab. The database will display important information such as registration status, renewal date, and detailed descriptions related to the patent.

In addition, InPASS allows you to track the status of a patent application you have filed, keeping you informed every step of the way. By entering your application number in the application status tab, you can access details such as the filing date, title, and, importantly, the status of your application. This tab also grants you access to any relevant documents attached to your patent application, ensuring transparency and convenience throughout the process.

Unlocking a World of Patents: Other Advisory

While InPASS is an invaluable resource for exploring registered patents in India, it is also important to adopt a broader approach to patent research. We recommend complementing your search on InPASS with international patent search engines like the WIPO database. This approach expands the scope of your investigation, providing a global perspective on patents and innovations.

How Estabizz Fintech Can Enhance Your InPASS Experience

At Estabizz Fintech, our experts specialize in leveraging the power of InPASS to its fullest potential. By utilizing our InPASS patent search service, you can unlock a wealth of benefits:

  1. Consultation and Expert Guidance: Engage in a consultation with our experienced team, where we will take note of your patent-related requirements and address any queries, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the patent process.
  2. Accurate and Efficient Results: Our experts will deliver precise search results tailored to your specific needs, saving you valuable time and effort in navigating the vast patent database.
  3. Valuable Insights: We provide thorough analysis and provide you with expert guidance on the patents you discover, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding your own inventions and innovations.


The Indian Patent Search System (InPASS) stands as a comprehensive and user-friendly platform, offering unprecedented access to the rich tapestry of registered patents in India. By leveraging the wide range of search parameters and keyword search capabilities, you can uncover valuable insights and build on existing knowledge to further your own innovations. Whether you are a researcher, inventor, or entrepreneur, InPASS holds the key to unlocking a world of patents that can inspire, inform, and guide your intellectual journey.

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