
Indian Patent Search

Overview of Indian Patent Search

The first step in filing a patent application is conducting a patent search. This crucial process involves browsing through the patent database to identify any existing patents similar to the applicant's invention or innovation. The aim is to ensure that the proposed patent is unique and has a higher chance of being granted registration. By obtaining a patent, the holder gains exclusive rights to utilize the innovation. However, if the application is too similar to an existing patent, the office may reject it.

Introducing InPASS: The Indian Patent Search System

In India, patent searches can be conveniently performed using the Indian Patent Search System (InPASS). InPASS was introduced in 2015 to replace its predecessor, the Indian Patent Information Retrieval System (IPAIRS). This advanced database allows users to conduct searches using wildcards and Boolean operators. Currently, InPASS stands as the most comprehensive platform for conducting patent searches in India.

The Importance of Patent Searches

Save Time and Money: Conducting a basic patent search enables inventors to identify any similar products or innovations. By performing this search, inventors can proceed accordingly, saving their time and effort.

Protection from Infringement: When pursuing a new project, organizations must ensure that their innovation does not infringe upon any existing patents. A thorough patent search helps avoid potential legal issues.

Facilitates Product Development: A patent search provides companies with the opportunity to study the product designs of their competitors. This research enables them to identify flaws, gaps, or loopholes in existing technologies that can be capitalized upon.

Determining Cost and Validity: A comprehensive patent search aids innovators in determining the value and validity of a patent before deciding to sell or acquire it.

Utilization of Invalid Patents: By conducting a patent search, one can identify patents that have expired or become invalid. This information allows for the use of these innovations without needing to pay royalties to the original founders.

Understanding Technological Trends: Patent searches often unveil the latest trends in specific technology areas. This valuable knowledge empowers innovators to develop products that align with current technological demands.

Exploring Patent Portfolios: A thorough patent search provides insights into a company's patent portfolio, allowing for a deeper understanding of the patents owned by a particular entity.

Conducting a Patent Search Using InPASS: A Step-by-Step Guide


The InPASS Patent Search offers a convenient and free way to browse its extensive database without the need to upload any documents. This guide will walk you through the procedure for conducting a patent search using InPASS, ensuring that you can make the most of this powerful tool.

Step 1: Visit the InPASS Website

To begin your patent search, log on to the InPASS website at ipindia.gov.in. This official website meticulously tracks all registered patents in India, providing a reliable and comprehensive resource for your search.

Step 2: Select the Criteria

Choose from the two available criteria: granted patents and published applications.

  • Granted patents: includes patents that have been granted a permit.
  • Published applications: includes patents whose applications have been published in a journal and are awaiting objections.
You also have the option to search in both categories simultaneously.

Step 3: Set Parameters for the Search

InPASS offers various parameters to refine your patent search. These include:

  • Date of application (select a specific range)
  • Title of the patent
  • Abstract
  • Claims against the patent
  • Description of the patent
  • Application number
  • Patent number (for granted patents)
  • Name of the applicant
  • Name of the inventor
  • Country of the inventor
  • Address of the inventor
  • Filing office
  • International patent classification
  • PCT application
  • PCT publication number
  • Field of invention

Step 4: Conduct a Keyword Search

Create a list of keywords relevant to your invention. This keyword search will provide you with a comprehensive list of patents that have utilized these keywords in the title, abstract, claims, description, and more.

Step 5: View the Results

The search results will be displayed in two columns. The left column provides information such as application number and date, patent number, title, and status. Selecting an entry in the left column will display specifications, abstract, and bibliographic data in the right column. You can browse through 1000 results, with 25 results displayed per page.

Step 6: Search by Applicant Name

Utilize the InPASS website's applicant name search feature to easily search for patents associated with a specific applicant. Simply enter the applicant's name in the search bar and press enter. You will be presented with a detailed list of all published or granted patents linked to that applicant.

Step 7: Search by Inventor Name

Similar to the applicant name search, the InPASS portal also allows you to search for patents based on the name of the inventor. Follow the same process to receive results based on the inventor's information.

Step 8: Check Patent E-Registration and Application Status

The database enables the electronic registration of patents. If you want to check the status of your patent registration, enter the patent number in the E-register tab. The database will provide vital information such as status, renewal date, description, and more.

Additionally, you can check the status of a patent application filed by you or your agent. Simply enter the application number in the designated field and click the 'show application status' button. This tab also provides access to relevant documents attached to the patent application.

Additional Advisory:

For a more comprehensive approach to your patent search, we also recommend exploring international patent search engines such as the WIPO database. This will broaden your scope and provide valuable insights.

How Estabizz Fintech Can Assist You

By availing our InPASS patent search service, our team of experts will connect with you to arrange a consultation. During this consultation, we will listen to your patent-related requirements and address any queries you may have. Our experts will then deliver accurate results and provide valuable guidance to help you navigate the patent process effectively.

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